Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Memory #11: Most Quiet Town

Trying something a little experimental here... At one point, this "painting" looked like a tie-dye gone wrong – though maybe it still does?
No matter...
On my way home from work and even during my 15 minute breaks, I used to get in my car and drive. Driving in Lancaster isn't like anywhere else I've experienced in my life so far. Within 3 minutes of work on a bustling, touristy road...
I found peace in the cornfields. 
I once had a panic attack when I took a wrong turn and the corn stalks towered over my head like buildings in a city. It was like being lost in a maze and, when I found my way out, I wanted more.
 Often, due to the lack of passing vehicles, I would just get out of my car and walk up to the cows on the side of the road. They listened to me blabber on about my problems like irate customers, and sneakers. (I worked at Nike)
Now THAT is life in its purest form. 


  1. It doesn't look like a tie dye gone wrong. I like where you have let the focus go and then tightened the drawing to give focus back. It creates that glorious feel of a country road.

    The face lift to the site looks great!

    I'm Casey, aspiring children's illustrator, glad to be following your work.

  2. Love your technique here, and it sounds like cows are great listeners!

  3. Thanks Casey! I'm glad that you're glad to be following along :)

    Abz- I'm working on it!

    Angela...there are no better listeners than cows! I swear it. Thanks! :)

  4. The reason I love this one is because I feel like you drew it so that you could be looking into your past or your future. Or both at the same time. It makes me feel quiet.

  5. Being lost in a corn field with corn stalks higher than my own head definitely says "panic attack".
